Online Giving

Welcome to St. Paul's online giving!

On this page you can make your regular tithes and special giving each week.
You will find several categories to specify your giving with an optional "Other" category if it doesn't fit any of your needs.
Please indicate in "notes" what you would like us to use the gift for if you select "Other".

If you choose to help us cover the processing fees for your gift, this will allow the entire dollar amount of your gift to be applied.
This is optional and not required, but will help us with fees and not take away from your intended gift amount.


Watch the tutorial video below:




Media Placeholder Box

When you view the live version of this page, you will see an audio or video player in place of this box. Double-click on this placeholder box to edit the media's properties. To remove this media from the page, select this box and hit the delete key.

If you have any questions, you can contact the church office or finance for help.


(200 Characters Max)


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