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- "Worship Service 2-9-25"
- "Worship Service 2-2-25 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 1-26-25"
- "Worship Service 1-19-25"
- "Worship Service 1-12-25"
- "Worship Service 1-5-25 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 12-29-24"
- "Worship Service 12-24-24 - Christmas Eve"
- "Worship Service 12-22-24 - Advent Week 4"
- "Worship Service 12-15-24 w Cantata - Advent week 3"
- "Worship Service 12-8-24 - Advent Week 2"
- "Worship Service 12-1-24 w Communion - Advent Week 1"
- "Worship Service 11-24-24"
- "Worship Service 11-17-24"
- "Worship Service 11-10-24"
- "Worship Service 11-3-24 w All Saints Day and Communion"
- "Worship Service 10-27-24"
- "Worship Service 10-20-24"
- "Worship Service 10-13-24"
- "Worship Service 10-6-24 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 9-29-24"
- "Worship Service 9-22-24"
- "Worship Service 9-15-24"
- "Worship Service 9-8-24"
- "Worship Service 9-1-24 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 8-25-24"
- "Worship Service 8-18-24"
- "Worship Service 8-11-24"
- "Worship Service 8-4-24 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 7-28-24"
- "Worship Service 7-21-24"
- "Worship Service 7-14-24"
- "Worship Service 7-7-24 Laity Sunday w Communion"
- "Worship Service 6-30-24"
- "Worship Service 6-23-24"
- "Worship Service 6-16-24"
- "Worship Service 6-9-24"
- "Worship Service 6-2-24 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 5-26-24"
- "Worship Service: Pentecost Sunday 5-19-24"
- "Worship Service 5-12-24"
- "Worship Service 5-5-24 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 4-28-24"
- "Worship Service 4-21-24"
- "Worship Service 4-14-24"
- "Worship Service 4-7-24 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 3-31-24 Easter Sunday"
- "Worship Service 3-29-24 Good Friday"
- "Worship Service 3-28-24 Holy Thursday w Communion"
- "Worship Service 3-24-24 w/ Cantata"
- "Worship Service 3-17-24"
- "Worship Service 3-10-24"
- "Worship Service 3-3-24 w Communion"
- "Worship Service 2-25-24"
- "Worship Service 2-18-24"
- "Ash Wednesday 2-14-24"
- "Worship Service 2-11-24"
- "Worship Service 2-4-24 w/ Communion"
- "Worship Service 1-28-24"
- "Worship Service 1-21-24"
- "Worship Service 1-14-24"
- "Worship Service 1-7-24 w/ Communion"
- "Worship Service 12-31-23 w/ Hymn Sing Celebration"
- "Worship Service 12-24-23 - Christmas Eve"
- "Advent 4 Worship Service 12-24-23"
- "Advent 3 Worship Service 12-17-23 w/ Cantata"
- "Advent 2 Worship Service 12-10-23"
- "Advent 1 Worship Service 12-3-23 w/ Communion"
- "Worship Service 11-26-23"
- "Worship Service 11-19-23"
- "Worship Service 11-12-23 w/ Veteran's Day Celebration"
- "Worship Service 11-5-23 w/ Communion"
- "Worship Service 10-29-23 All Saints"
- "Worship Service 10-22-23"
- "Worship Service 10-15-23"
- "Worship Service 10-8-23"
- "Worship Service 10-1-23 w/ Communion"
- "Worship Service 9-24-23"
- "Worship Service 9-17-23"
- "Worship Service 9-10-23"
- "Worship Service 9-3-23 w/ Communion and New Members"
- "Worship Service 8-27-23"
- "Worship Service 8-20-23 w/ Baptisms"
- "Worship Service 8-13-23 w/ Blessing of the Pets and the School Children"
- "Worship Service 8-6-23 w/ Communion"
- "Worship Service 7-30-23"
- "Worship Service 7-23-23"
- "Worship Service" 7-16-23"
- "Worship Service 7-9-23"
- "Worship Service 7-2-23 w/ Communion"
- "Worship Service 6-25-23"
- "Worship Service 6-18-23 guest pastor - Reverend Mary Miriti-Jackson"
- "Worship Service 6-11-23"
- "Worship Service 6-4-23 w/ Communion"
- "Worship Service 5/28/23 - Pentecost and Memorial Day"
- "Worship Service 5-21-23 - Ascension Sunday"
- "Worship service 5-14-23 Mothers Day"
- "Are You Ready to Rock?"
- "The Community of Believers"
- "Worship Service 4-23-23 guest pastor - Reverend Maurice Washington"
- "Worship Service 4-16-23 Hayden Hamby Confirmation"
- "Easter Sunday"
- "Good Friday"
- "Maundy Thursday"
- Cantata "Come to the Cross & Remember" - Palm Sunday
- "The Joy We Need to Serve"
- "Where's the Fun in That?"
- "His Body, The Temple"
- "Hearing & Listening"
- "Wonder & Wilderness"
- "Ash Wednesday 2-22-23"
- "Unchanging Truths"
- "What will it be?"
- "Godspell & Grace"
- "be-attitudes"
- "2nd Listening Session - Reverend Dr. Ricky Sanderford 1-23-23"
- "Drop the Nets"
- "The Faithful"
- "Down to the River"
- "Christmas Hymn Sing"
- "When God Becomes Human"
- "Guide of Light"
- "Depths & Heights"
- Cantata "One Silent Night"
- "A Tangible Peace"
- "The Invitation"
- "Abundance"
- "Relationship"
- "Joy"
- Replenish Your Spirit
- Count Blessings/Not Stuff
- Full Stop/Don't Stop (believing)"
- "Prayer/Not Prayer"
- "Faith/Not Faith"
- "Reach"
- "Renew"
- Reimagine
- "Reconcile"
- "Reconcile"
- Known For
- "Unshaken"
- "Disruptive Faith"
- "Homeland"
- Hymn Sing Sunday
- Bread as Love
- Love One Another in Word and Deed
- Sin and Salvation
- The Church and Our Role
- Creation & Science
- Heaven and Hell
- Evil, Suffering and Death
- God's Will and Humanity
- Head Hear and Hands - Sunday Hymn Sing
- Oneness
- Holy Spirit
- Risen Son
- Prayer Service for the Ukraine
- Creator God
- The Unlikely
- Easter Sunrise Service
- Out of the Tomb
- Good Friday Taize service
- Into Servanthood - Holy Thursday
- Easter Cantata and Sermon: "To the Cross"
- Emptied of All but Love
- Down the Road
- Over the Fence
- Through Obstacles
- Into the Desert
- Ash Wednesday
- Open the Box
- Pastor Glenn -Amazing Day! Via Delarosa
- Pastor Glenn at St. George's Angelican Catherdral
- Pastor Glenn at the Garden of the Tomb
- Pastor Glenn -Holy, holy, holy at St. Anne's
- Pastor Glenn at Jericho- Holocaust Museum
- The Good Promise
- Pastor Glenn at Jericho- Mount Of Temptations
- Pastor Glenn at the Church At The Garden Of Gethsemane
- Pastor Glenn at the Upper Room in Nazareth
- Pastor Glenn at the Church of the Nativity -Inside
- Pastor Glenn at the Church of the Nativity
- Pastor Glenn at St. Peter's Church, Jerusalem
- Instruments of Light
- Pastor Glenn at Caesarea
- Pastor Glenn at the Sea of Galilee
- A Community Sent
- Church Hymn Sing Sunday
- A Mission Defined
- New Wine in the New Light
- What's Worthy
- More to Know
- Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols
- About
- Giving
- The Voice