Thank you for the warm welcome home after my family’s vacation. We certainly needed the time to rest, recover, and restore some of the creative “juices” needed to lead our church. Last Monday, we had Laura Laing’s funeral and I read these words from Ecclesiastes 3:1-12. “There is a time for everything, and a season for everything under heaven.” The passage continues with a series of phrases that seem opposite from one another and yet are all part of life. We grow and are uprooted; we weep and laugh; also, a time hold things tight and a time for patience; the psalmist concludes “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of all.”
I believe with all my heart, there is a time for prayer and a time to step. There has been a lot of discussion around the process of remaining a United Methodist congregation or exploring the process of leaving the connection. There is a third way, have patience until we know more from General Conference 2024.
Each person in this congregation is beloved by God and you love God too. Each of you have long held beliefs about scripture and I know you love this church. I have witnessed this love in many ways.
I recognize these are hard discussions regarding the core values of our church and connection. It’s hard on me too. I am comforted to know no matter what challenges we endure; God is always with us. In this time, we point to God.
A question remains though, what kind of church are we called to be? As Wesleyans, we are reminded that we are called to a position of grace, rooted in Scripture, based in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and the continuing movement in ministry through the Holy Spirit.
Our ministry is to serve God and serve others, feed those in need, advocate for the voiceless, reconcile, forgive, make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Everything we do can be viewed though this lens. This is the lens I use in exploring a vision of our church.
Over the past few months (years) I’ve found divisive conversation running counter to the gospel message of unity under Christ, in Christ, and through Christ. Unfortunately, some want action before understanding the implication of such action, all in the name of “making a statement” or an attempt to climb to the top of “Mount Orthodoxy.” My response would be, how does any of this bring one soul to Christ? How will we serve God and others? How will we grow our faithfulness? How will we love thy neighborhood?
The discussions will continue, in small groups, in leadership, and in our upcoming Administrative Council meetings. My focus is to pray, listen, and be faithful. Your trusted church leaders have joined me in prayer for our church and ministry. I invite you to our Church Council meetings. The next meeting will be held on 2 August @ 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall. In the meantime, I ask you to join in prayer and in patience.
Peace, Pastor Glenn

All members of St. Paul’s are invited to attend on Tuesday, August 2nd at 5:30 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall. This will be an informational meeting concerning the future pathway of our church.
(There will be no voting.)
Dolores Schroeder, Chairperson Administrative Council

Some of the St. Paul’s UWF members enjoyed a spectacular Fourth of July celebration as they hosted a party for residents at Mountain Villa Assisted Living in Kerrville. They sang patriotic songs and participated in a history-question- and answer- game. In their dining room amid patriotic themed decorations, they dined on cupcakes and ice cream. Goody bags and other gift items were provided each resident. Pastor Glenn extended a greeting from St. Paul’s and offered a prayer of blessings for all.

An informal directory of the St. Paul’s family is being compiled by several of our members. If you would like to be included, please send a picture of you/your family to Robin Martin, or call her, 210-381-9054, or Ruth Steele, 830-739-7052 or Ruth Strackbein, 432-413-6635. If you are unable to take or e-mail a photo, let them know and they will help.
We want everyone included since each of you is an important part of our community!

By: Rosalie Pinson
Does your household pet, especially your dog, hold a special place in your heart & home? No doubt he does. He's called "Man's Best Friend" for a good reason. He/she brings you comfort, companionship, security, unconditional love, and lots of laughs.
Did you know your St. Paul's UMC Library has many books on dogs? Come on in this month, and look over the books the library has on dogs (and other pets.)
Here's a sample of the books you'll find:
My Dog Changed My Life; No Bones About It -- Norman Wright
Moments With Baxter (A Therapy Dog) -- Melissa Joseph
The New Yorker Book of Dog Cartoons
Do Dogs Go To Heaven? -- Jean Holmes
Favorite Dog Stories -- James Herriot
How To Raise A Puppy You Can Live With -- Clarice Rutherford
A Dog Walks Into A Nursing Home -- Sue Halpern
A Friend Like No Other -- Norman Wright
Dog Save The Queen -- Jeff Selis
Puppies; See How They Grow -- Jane Burton
Honor your pet this month by coming into St. Paul's Library and checking out a book, or two, on "Man's Best Friend!"
The library is staffed on Thursdays 9:30 a.m. until noon. It is open on Sunday mornings. If it is locked, please ask someone in the church office to open it for you.

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,
as good stewards of God's varied grace"
1 Peter 4:10
Thanks to all of you who contributed to our Christmas in July toy drive for the Kids’ Advocacy Place. They have a beautiful playroom that is always in need of toys. And thank you to those of you who have completed the survey we have distributed. What a joy to see so many of you volunteering your time, your gifts, and your monies. If you have not completed a survey, paper copies can be found in the narthex and in your computer mailbox. We hope to share a summary report of our findings very soon.
Tony and Lynette Wedig
Mission Team Co-chairs
Indigenous Women's Vegetable Gardening & Leadership Project
in Guatemala
The goal for this mission is to train women to grow gardens, produce food, and to develop leadership skills. The project aims to support Mayan women's efforts to restore traditional farming methods and livelihoods, their lands and ecologies. In this community-led project, 40 women will be trained by agronomists in agroecological farming methods, and will establish communal/backyard vegetable gardens. They will develop strong leadership skills through training and practice and will be able to train others in their communities.
Thank you for supporting this important mission!

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.
2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT)
The SPUMC Care Givers team delivers flowers and birthday cards to home bound and long-term care facilities. We also visit when possible.
If you know anyone who is home bound or in a care facility, and you think they would enjoy receiving fresh flowers, please let Debbie know so she can add them to our list.
We are grateful for the beautiful Sunday Altar Bouquets that are used to make
smaller bouquets for home bound.
Thanks to those who volunteered to check flood buckets at the Martinez building Light on the Hill. Our volunteers checked over 200 buckets which will be used for disaster/hurricane relief. Thanks be to God; this is the work of the church in action!

Please click the link below to read about tips
regarding safety during this extreme heat!
Tammy Amerson-Wilson
Wesley Nurse
(830) 253-5114 Text or call
This prayer was written in the 1950s during an awful drought in Texas. The prayer was written by Father W. Schneider of St. Mary's in Fredericksburg who also ministered at St. Francis Church in Stonewall.
It has gone all over the world.
ALMIGHTY GOD, WE ARE IN NEED OF RAIN. We realize now, looking up into the clear, blue sky above, what a marvel even the least drop of rain really is. To think that so much water can fall out of the sky, which now is empty and clear! We place our trust in YOU. We are sure that YOU know our needs, but YOU want us to ask YOU anyway, to show YOU that we know we are dependent on YOU. Look on our dry hills and fields, DEAR GOD, and bless them with the living blessing of soft rain. Then the land will rejoice, and the rivers will sing YOUR praises and the hearts of men will be glad. Amen.

Skipper & Lois Lister 8/11
Brian & Gail Mitchell 8/15

Susan Carver 8/1
Lavania Lambert 8/2
Janet D'Aquino 8/3
Maureen Granflaten-Tyler 8/3
Neva Nicholson 8/8
Roy Allbritton 8/8
Eddie Pinson 8/12
Gary Rauls 8/17
Rianna Rodriguez 8/18
Patty Morris 8/19
Cale Reid 8/28
Jessie Jimenez 8/28
Reese Sherrer 8/31
John Allen 8/31