Passing of my Aunt Marie and schedule for July
My brother Cliffy, (next to me) and Aunt’s Marie Barg (standing) and Jane Bauer (seated)
I generally try to keep this opening page for our newsletter focused on the activities of the church but I feel compelled to write to you all about a very personal time in my life.
As a congregation, we have been in prayer for my Aunt Marie, and I am both saddened and hopeful to let you all know that she passed away peacefully, in her home, surrounded by my family on 29 June. My Aunt was the last of our elder generation. She was 94 years old, my mom’s baby sister, never drove a car or flew on a plane. Even though I was raised in Northern Virginia, Rochester, New York has been where we go to be reunited with my extended family. I will constantly remember Marie’s home as the “mothership” for all. She is forever kind and gentle and always called me “honey.”
My hope is that she is now home and welcomed in the loving arms of Jesus Christ and so many of my family that have gone on before her. It is truly beautiful to have the hope of a heavenly union. Our loss as a family is deep, our assurance of the movement of Jesus in our lives is much deeper. This is my prayer.
I am planning to fly home next week and will be out of the office from 5 – 8 July. If there is a pastoral emergency, I will ask that you call the office (830) 895-2212 or after hours, please call Rev. Bill Johnson (830) 928-1388. Considering my travel plans for my Aunt’s funeral, our Administrative Council meeting planned for 5 July has been moved to 2 Aug at 5:30 in the fellowship hall.
Also, Amy, Shelly and I will be on vacation from 14-24 July. We have guest preachers for both 17 & 24 July. Again, if you have a pastoral emergency during this time, please call the office or Pastor Bill. We are ready to assist you. May God bless and keep each of you.
Peace, Pastor Glenn

New members in the past few months...
Suzanne Sterling
Alicia Smith
Joel & Linda Brundrett
Vickie Branch
We are so glad you have joined our family of faith and look forward to serving with you!
The church office will be closed Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.
Morning Prayer with the Pastor and Coffee time are taking breaks for June and July. We'll start again in August!
Our last week of the study on the Gospel of John will be July 10, so please join us Sunday from 9:00a.m. - 10:15a.m. in the parlor.
While they’re not holding regular monthly meetings in the summer, the Unit is still active, hosting a Fourth of July party at Mountain Villa Assisted Living at 2:30 P.M. We will sing patriotic tunes, serve ice cream and cake and visit with the residents. If you would like to join us, the address is
2201 Junction Hwy., Kerrville. The more, the merrier!!!

The funeral service for Laura Laing will be held July 25
at 10:00a.m. in the sanctuary.
Hook Scholarship Awards

In 1991, Dr. and Mrs. William Hook made a generous donation to establish a scholarship fund at St. Paul’s. The fund has grown throughout the years from congregational gifts.
This month, Pastor Glenn, on behalf of the congregation, presented $5,000 scholarships to Jessie (Gabe) Jimenez and to Mattilyn Phillips.
Jessie has completed his first year at SMU where he maintained a 3.23 GPA as he majors in Journalism and Anthropology.
Mattie just completed her high school work and will be a freshman at Schreiner University this Fall. Mattie’s major will be Theater Arts in preparation for becoming a technical director in live theater.
Congratulations to OUR students, Gabe and Mattie!!!
A PROGRESS REPORT….. At the March Administrative Council meeting, I reported that I would appoint a special committee to research and make recommendations, if feasible, for the use of the large amount of unused classroom space in the Gray Educational Building. These rooms were used by our preschool when it was operational. The committee of eleven persons, including Pastor Glenn, the Trustee Chairperson and me, first met in May and again on June 26th. Several of us have scheduled July vacations, so we probably won’t be able to meet again until August. In the meantime, we will be searching for needed information from various church and community contacts. Any recommendations from this committee would then be presented to the Ad Council for approval. A few of our unanswered questions are:
Is there a need for space by a community non-profit, if we offered it at a reduced rate? A community non-profit organization engaged in a “service to others” program could fulfill a church mission.
What provisions should be included in a proposed lease? We would need to insure that the rental fee is adequate to cover any additional expenses incurred, e.g., utilities, cleaning, etc.
Should we conduct a sale of preschool and other furniture items in the Gray Building? Offer it to our church family first? Please note, volunteers to move sale items into the “Great Hall” would be needed!
Any information on a potential non-profit tenant would be most welcome. As always, we solicit your prayers for His guidance in all that we do in the name of St. Paul’s!
Dolores Schroeder, Chairperson
Administrative Council

By: Rosalie Pinson
How is your summer going, thus far? Are you trying to keep cool with plenty of water, iced tea, or lemonade? Are you reading the newspaper, or a devotional in the shade outdoors, or inside with the air-conditioner on?
The air-conditioning works well at your St. Paul's Library. Come in sometime and peruse the collection. Come sit here inside and cool off for a while, and check-out a good book, or two.
Some books recently processed and added to the collection are:
Making Ordinary Days Extraordinary! - Gloria Gaither
These Tangled Vines - Julianne MacLean
The Greatest of These - Marlene Chase
The Last Thing He Told Me - Laura Dave
Corrie Ten Boom; World War II Heroine - Sam Wellman
From Religion to Rebellion to Relationship - Sam Jordan, PhD
The Color of Heaven - Julianne MacLean
Only One Life - Jackie Green
Everyday With Jesus; Daily Joy For the Journey
In Five Years - Rebecca Serle
True Images Devotional - Karen Moore
Creating Family Traditions - Gloria Gaither
Is It True They Call You the Dog Bed Fairy?
The library is staffed on Thursdays 9:30 am until noon, and is open on Sundays. If it is locked, please ask someone in the church office to open it for you.

Kids’ Advocacy Place uses a multi-agency approach to the investigation,
intervention, and coordination of services for children and families affected by emotional, physical and sexual abuse or neglect. Our facility includes a staff of highly skilled and specially trained individuals who work closely with the Department of Family and Protective Services, law enforcement organizations, as well as other agencies involved in investigating and prosecuting these sensitive cases.
KAP serves 5 counties including, Kerr, Bandera, Gillespie,
Kendall, and Kimble. KAP primarily serves children under
the age of 18 who have been the victim of sexual abuse,
severe physical abuse, neglect or witness to a violent crime.
Children are referred through the agencies that are mandated
to receive reports of child abuse:
Child Protective Services,local law enforcement, and prosecution (County/District Attorney).
Approximately 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Child abuse affects children and families across all socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial boundaries. Additionally, 1 in 5 children is sexually solicited on the internet. Only 1 in 10 children will tell someone about their abuse. 95% of children are abused by someone they know and trust. Kids’ Advocacy Place serves on average over 350 children per year.
KAP needs toys for the play area.
Used and clean are accepted. Colorful tubs will be in the
Narthex, office, and the fellowship hall to fill up with toys!

HIll Country Youth Ranch/Enhanced Horizons
Established in 1977, Hill Country Youth Ranch is a non-profit charitable corporation licensed by the Texas Department of Family/Protective Services to provide long-term therapeutic care for abused and orphaned children at all levels of trauma and need.
HCYR operates three campuses, all located northwest of San Antonio in the Texas Hill Country. All three campuses feature family-style homes, state-of-the art charter schools for grades K – 12, amazing recreational facilities, and spacious, beautiful grounds.
Enhanced Horizons, a 20-building, college-style campus located five miles west of Ingram, houses a transitional living program for aged-out foster youth, providing residence, guidance and education for up to 32 young adults at a time.
Thank you for supporting this important mission!
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you,
that ye also love one another.” (John 13:34)
The SPUMC Care Givers are busy sending birthday cards and delivering flowers to the home bound and individuals that reside in long-term care facilities. If you know anyone who is home bound or in a care facility, and you think they would enjoy receiving fresh flowers, please let Debbie know so she can add them to our list.
Here are some of the beautiful flowers that were delivered in June.

Prayer Requests from the People
As a reminder, prayer requests need to have the following information:
- First and Last Name of the person for whom we are praying
- Relation to the person submitting request
- Name of the person requesting the prayer and a phone number for questions
When using the online prayer request module, please put the person's Name (first and last) as the Prayer Title. This will help us quickly determine if the request is new or an update on a previous request for that person.

Dear Church,
I thought I would share great information about scammers as it is very useful information. Scammers try new methods to trick you for the time. But if you know the signs to look for, you may avoid becoming a victim.
5 Signs of a Scam
If you spot any of these tactics, stop and walk away. You’re probably being scammed.
When you contact a business, you know who’s on the other end of the line. But when someone contacts you first, you can’t be certain they’re telling the truth. You don’t know if they are whom they say they are. And remember, email addresses and called ID information can be faked.
- They dangle bait-usually money
Let’s face it: People simple don’t give away large sums of money easily. If someone dangles bait in front of you—a big prize, a shopping spree, an easy loan—for nothing, they’re probably lying.
- They want your personal information
Anytime anyone asks for your personal information-bank accounts, social security number, etc.-you should be on alert. Don’t give it away so quickly or easily, especially to someone you don’t know. You may become a victim of identity theft.
If someone offers you a price, debt relief, or employment—but first you must pay an upfront fee to get it—you’re probably being scammed.
- You must wire money or send gift cards
If you’re about to wire money or send gift cards to someone in order to receive a prize or pay off a debt collector that contacts, you… STOP!! This may be a scammer trying to take your money.
Blessings of Health,
Tammy Amerson-Wilson
Wesley Nurse
(830)253-5114 Text or call
Online Giving!
This is a fast, easy and secure way to make contributions to the church. The website is partnered with PayPal to provide a secure checkout process and protect your information.
The link to the Giving Online form is found on the Home page of our website. We are charged a small processing fee which you have the option to help us cover with your contribution. This is completely optional; however, please be aware if you choose not to help cover the processing fee, the amount that the church receives your contribution less the amount of the processing fees.
Example: a $20 contribution has a $0.91 processing fee. If you choose not to cover this, then what the church will receive is $19.09.
Dan Sebesta & Marsha McCoy Sebesta 7/5
Leeland & Vicki Clancy 7/6
Eddie & Rosalie Pinson 7/10
Bradley & Wendy Sherrer 7/13
Glenn & Bib Wittge 7/22
Roberto & Susan Breda 7/26

Dawn Menck 7/1
Boyd Harris 7/1
Matthew Tafoya 7/1
Ruth Steele 7/1
Dolores Schroeder 7/2
Judy Phillips 7/3
Drake Reid 7/9
Art Reinhardt 7/10
Lois Shaw 7/14
Carrol Faught 7/16
Susan Breda 7/19
Al Bohler 7/22
Joyce Wilson 7/28