Revive, Renew, & Reach
A rooster on my stole….
I recently wore a multicolored stole in church, this one gained a lot of attention. Some asked, “what’s the significance of the rooster?” or stated, “the colors are amazing.” To my knowledge, I can say there is no “Poultry Sunday” on the calendar.
The Rooster & Rainbow has to do with the “Walk to Emmaus.” If you have never heard of the walk, it is a 3-day retreat followed by the “fourth day” – of the rest of our lives. Emmaus grows faithfulness in God, leadership in local churches, and in my case, Emmaus changed my life.
The rooster and the rainbow have meaning. In a Spanish folk story, people were riding on a bus. They encountered a man with a rooster of many colors and someone wrote a song about “De Colores” an expression meaning “in colors.”
The many colors of the rainbow are seen in the Bible, the token of a covenant which God made with Noah, that waters will no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. An interpretation of (Gen 9:13) seems to be that God took the rainbow, which had previously been a beautiful object shining in the heavens… when the suns rays fell on falling rain and consecrated it as the sign of his love and the witness of his promise. (Eccl 43:11.)
The rainbow is a symbol of Gods faithfulness and mercy. In the “rainbow around the throne,” (Rev 4:3) is seen the symbol of hope and the bright emblem of mercy and love, it’s a symbol because it is reflected from the storm itself.”
The next question I generally get about Emmaus is “when will the Hill Country Emmaus [HCE] start community again. The answer is “I don’t know,” not yet, at least. The community has struggled for years before the pandemic. Naturally, this is one more loss we grieve. It is discouraging to hear about walks at Light on the Hill and our community is not hosting walks currently. That’s the truth.
Where do we see a rainbow? In the fact that other communities are coming back. I have contacted the board of directors for HCE. Rebuilding our Emmaus Community will take time. I do not know the future, but I do know that in prayer and responsible action, these rainbows can shine again. Just as Jesus does. If you see me in my rainbow stole, please give me a heart felt “De Colores!”
Peace, Pastor Glenn
Dear Friends,
I received a call today of another school shooting. This time, close to home, in community of Uvalde, TX. A small town under 5,000 people. The shooting took place at Robb Elementary. Reports are mixed regarding injury and death. The suspect is deceased.”
I have been in touch with the United Methodist pastor in Uvalde, Rev. Steve Peyton, He covets our prayers. I ask for your prayers for the children, faculty, and parents of Robb Elementary, the Uvalde community, and for the alleged shooter.
I ask you to pray for an end to the violence of our hearts. We are the light of the world… let us hold on another dearly as we pray for peace in our lifetime. Let our words be measured and our actions bring glory to God in all things.
Peace, Pastor Glenn
Morning Prayer with the Pastor and Coffee time are taking breaks for June and July. We'll start again in August!

Come and join Pastor Glenn and his wife Amy for a Mid-Summer Bible Study, beginning June 5 - July 10.
This is a multi-generational 6-week study for adults and kids on the Gospel of John.
We'll meet on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. in the parlor.
Prayer Requests from the People
As a reminder, prayer requests need to have the following information:
- First and Last Name of the person for whom we are praying
- Relation to the person submitting request
- Name of the person requesting the prayer and a phone number for questions
When using the online prayer request module, please put the person's Name (first and last) as the Prayer Title. This will help us quickly determine if the request is new or an update on a previous request for that person.
By: Rosalie Pinson
JUNE is upon us and it's a great time to kick-off your "Summer Reading Program."
Come into St. Paul's Library and challenge yourself to read at least (1) book per month this Summer.
Picture yourself on your deck, patio, or sun room sipping iced tea (or lemonade) and reading a good book. There are many good books in your church library from which to choose.
J -- Juvenile, Adult, Young Adult, and Children's sections of the library
U -- Unquestionably, there's some great reading material here at St. Paul's Library
N -- Novels, Devotionals, Bibles, History, Biography, Travel, Health, Gardening
E -- Everyone is welcome
The library is staffed on Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. until noon, and is open on Sundays. If it is locked, please ask someone in the office to open it for you.

Missions Ministry Team
St. Paul’s is blessed to have many of our members volunteer for and support various non-profit organizations, programs, and groups. In the coming weeks, we hope to identify both you, our members, and the organizations where you volunteer. We want to recognize your efforts to share the gospel message of God’s love through service in the community. And we hope to identify gaps where our congregation can consider helping lead the way in making a positive difference in Kerr County. As members of St. Paul’s UMC, we faithfully pledged to participate in its ministries by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, and our service. We will keep you posted on opportunities to help honor that pledge.
C.A.M. (Christian Assistance Ministry), one of our partners, needs canned veggies and fruits, men’s clothing, towels, sheets, and blankets. You can drop them off at C.A.M., 521 Barnett St, Kerrville, or at the church office. Volunteers are always needed.
The United Women in Faith (UWF) are planning a visit to Mountain Villa, an assisted living facility located on Highway 27. Please call Marylin Davis, 830.200.5205, if you are interested in joining us.

Mission Ministry: Did You Know?
The Raphael Community Free Clinic serves qualified low-income uninsured adults (no children are served) of Kerr and surrounding counties. The clinic provides free physical and mental healthcare along with medications. This clinic was formed in 1997 by Sister’s Novak and Giardiana and was housed in the Norte Dame Catholic School. In 2001, the operation was expanded to its current location on Waters Street. Currently the clinic is open from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday to Thursday. The clinic serves about 4,000 patients annually and they are seen by volunteer RN’s, LVN’s, medical assistants, family nurse practitioners and physicians. These volunteers contribute over 2,100 hours of service annually and the volunteer administration staff contributes over 7,300 hours of duties annually.
Patients qualify for service when they have no insurance coverage of any form and their income must be below 300% of the current Federal poverty income guidelines. Patients also must provide 1040 tax forms to prove income eligibility.
The clinic does not seek or receive any city, state or federal governmental funds. Donations provide the following:
$120 - 2 to 4 weeks of glucose test strips for diabetic patient.
$300 - a stock of antibiotic stock for 16 patients with infections
$1,000 - 25 doses of preventative Tetanus vaccines for patients.
$2,000 - a 6 month supply of cholesterol tests for patients.
$3,500 - a weekly supply of insulin for 150 diabetic patients.
web site: https://www.raphaelclinic.org
Thank you Sister Novak and Giardiana and the Norte Dame Catholic Church for recognizing a need and providing a solution.

“Let us consider how we may encourage one another to LOVE and to do GOOD DEEDS.” Hebrews 10:24
The SPUMC Care Givers are privileged to continue their mission of delivering flowers, visiting with, and praying with the homebound members of our Church family.
We would like to thank the congregation for supporting this mission through your generous gift of the Sunday alter flowers. Here is a photo of one of the beautiful bouquets provided in May.
We can tell you that the individuals who receive these flowers enjoy them very much. They bring a smile to their face and they know that they are not forgotten.
If anyone has questions about or is interested in volunteering with this group, please contact Connie Fluegel at 830-928-0707 or indiancrk@gmail.com.

Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference
The purpose of the mission is to reach Indians with the Good News of Jesus Christ through the United Methodist witness.

Funds received will go to pastor's salaries in the area in order to lead these local congregations that are in the Missionary Conference. They have committed themselves to reach the Indians and to bring them to Christ. They've decided that they can best be reached through a missionary conference rather than an annual conference.
Thank you for supporting this important mission!

Local Charities we support with financial contributions and/or volunteers!
- Light on the Hill
- Christian Assistance Ministry
- Hill Country Youth Ranch
- Doyle Center
- Kids Advocacy Place & Crisis Center Shelter
- The Dietert Center (meals on wheels)
Dear All,
I am the Wesley Nurse at Hunt UMC and I cover the West Kerr area as a faith based community nurse. To find out more about the Wesley Nurse program you can visit htpp/www.mhm.org. I welcome any ideas how I can serve the least served and uninsured people in the area or a resource to anyone. Please feel free to reach out to me @ Tamerson-wilson@mhm.org or (830)253-5114 (call or text). I love sharing mosquito repelling plants at this time of the year as they do work to repel mosquitos!
Blessings of Health,
Tammy Amerson-Wilson

Sweet Summer Time! 
June is a time to hear the pitter-patter of the kids running from college to college to get their applications and enrollments completed. It's a time to sit outside and enjoy the sun and ....oops - a time to spill things on a computer or hit a wrong button.
It's a good time to make sure your computer is up to date, viruses checked and hard drive cleaned up to keep it running smoothly. To help with this, Pastor Glenn and I are discussing setting up some kind of question and answer about computers class where we can answer some questions to help keep your computer running smoothly.
While the classes are going to be in the future, if you are currently having issues with your computer, I can try to help you fix the issue and if it is a laptop, we can look at it at the church. If you have a desktop, I can make a house call if you like.
I am still working with our website hosts and doing some research as to why the live stream on the website seems to be a buffering on some desktop computers during the live service. If there is an issue for you, I need the following information to work with our website service provider.
Time of issue
Browser (Internet explorer, Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc)
Internet speed (at the time it is buffering)
Type of internet connection (wireless, ethernet cable, name of provider)
Is anyone else using your internet at that time and what were they doing?
(example: streaming a movie, playing a game, browsing online)
To help determine the speed at the time, you can use the following browser internet speed site:
This information can be emailed to me at technology@spumctx.org
I would like to be able to address these issues as soon as possible to make a better experience for everyone.
If there is another platform you would like to see us stream on instead of Facebook (like YouTube) please let me know. I want to make our services available wherever is most convenient for everyone.
Have a great week and see you Sunday!!!
Be Blessed!
Judy Phillips
Technology Coordinator
Online Giving!
This is a fast, easy and secure way to make contributions to the church. The website is partnered with PayPal to provide a secure checkout process and protect your information.
The link to the Giving Online form is found on the Home page of our website. We are charged a small processing fee which you have the option to help us cover with your contribution. This is completely optional; however, please be aware if you choose not to help cover the processing fee, the amount that the church receives your contribution less the amount of the processing fees.
Example: a $20 contribution has a $0.91 processing fee. If you choose not to cover this, then what the church will receive is $19.09.

Al & Joann Bohler 6/5
Randall Hilburn & Pamela Traver 6/7
Art & Gerry Reinhardt 6/7
Denny & Dawn Menck 6/8
Bill & Suzanne Faught 6/12
Roy & Debbie Allbritton 6/23

Hayden Hamby 6/1
Linda Elkins 6/3
Claire Nelms 6/8
Ruth Strackbein 6/11
Ashleigh Sherrer 6/13
Bill Hall 6/24
Jan Cannon 6/28