Click an announcement title below for further details.
"Kingdom of God" Bible Study
Beginning on Monday March 10 and concluding on May 12, we will begin offering a new Bible Study series entitled "The Kingdom of God." This Bible study will examine what Jesus said about "the Kingdom of God." What is it? Where is it? When is it? Why is it so important?
Understanding and participating in God's kingdom on earth is central to the Christian life. This study guide will lead us through a ten-session investigation of God's kingdom – transforming our picture and understanding of God, Christianity and our role in the world.
The classes are held Monday afternoons in the Fellowship Hall and will begin at 4:00PM. Study guides are provided gratis.
Fellowship Night
Please join us on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We come together to celebrate a night of fun and games in each other's company. We enjoy gospel music singing, a short devotional, sharing treats and beverages, and game playing. Please come and join the fun, and we hope to see you there!!!
Note: Due to our very busy Christmas schedule, we will skip Fellowship Night on December 17, 2024. Our Fellowship Night celebration will resume on Tuesday January 21, 2025.
St. Paul's Fun & Fitness
Join the ladies every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. and every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for light aerobics and gentle stretching.
Shape up at St. Paul's with Fun & Fit!
United Women of Faith monthly meeting
St. Paul's United Women of Faith meets the second Tuesday of each month at 1:30 at St. Paul's UMC in the parlor.
Choir practice
Choir Practice will occur every Wednesday at 5:30 PM in the choir room next to the sanctuary.
Hand Bell Practice
Hand bell practice occurs every Monday at 2:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Hope you will join us!
C.A.M. current needs focus!
Widow's Mite Offering (Loose Change)
The widow’s mite, (loose coins placed in the offering plate) are for the Salvation Army Angel Tree Gifts and Society of St. Andrew.
All pennies collected are given to the Salvation Army Angel Tree Gifts and all other loose coins (not pennies) are given to the Society of St. Andrew to provide meals for the hungry.
This is a year long, ongoing offering that we at St. Paul's provide to these charities.